How to install Automapper for .net 3.5 How to install Automapper for .net 3.5

How to install Automapper for .net 3.5

This .dll is version 1.1 which according to the site is the last .net 3.5 version. Just reference it in your project and it should work.

No need to build the source yourself. AutoMapper 1.1 is available on NuGet at

PM Console command is PM> Install-Package AutoMapper -Version

Do I just build it myself, and use it as my own project?

Yes, although you don't need to include the AutoMapper project in your solution;

If so how do I build it? Do I need to create a NuGet package?

NuGet package not required.

You need to download the source for AutoMapper for .net3.5 from here

Once downloaded, you can open the sln file under the src folder and build the AutoMapper project (just that project will do)

You can then copy the dll produced (i.e., found at src\AutoMapper\bin\Debug) to your shared lib folder and reference that.