How to obtain a list of Users from ASP.NET Identity? How to obtain a list of Users from ASP.NET Identity?

How to obtain a list of Users from ASP.NET Identity?

I found out that I wasn't using the derived ApplicationUser object for anything, so I just went ahead and changed all uses of it for plain old User. Then I just changed ApplicationDbContext definition for the following:

public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<    User, UserClaim, UserSecret, UserLogin,    Role, UserRole, Token, UserManagement>{}

And now I can access the user list:

UsersContext = new ApplicationDbContext();...UsersContext.Users.ToList();

However, I think this will come back and haunt me in the future (I'll probably need to add more fields to User) so probably I'll have to use the same approach as in this question:

Get all role names in ASP.NET MVC5 Identity system

Edit: Since I got the need to add a new property, I had to revert my changes. So I went ahead and did a line by line comparison with the ASP.NET Identity Sample Project, and found out that the generated project had the following line:

IdentityManager = new AuthenticationIdentityManager(new IdentityStore());

while the Sample application had included the database context in the constructor. So I added it in my constructor, recreated the database and the problem went away.

IdentityManager = new AuthenticationIdentityManager(new IdentityStore(new ApplicationDbContext()));

  1. Create ASP .NET MVC5 project by default
  2. Create ASP .NET Identity tables properly and change connection string as well.
  3. To get users just do the following testA. Go to AccountControllerB. Create any dummy method and put there
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();var allUsers = context.Users.ToList();

enter image description here

For RTM, you will have to drop down to your DbContext or whatever your specific store implementation has to enumerate all users. In the next release, we will most likely be adding an optional IQueryable Users/Roles method on the Manager classes that stores can implement to expose IQueryables for both users and stores.