How to Show or hide controls based on roles - ASP.NET MVC 4 Razor How to Show or hide controls based on roles - ASP.NET MVC 4 Razor

How to Show or hide controls based on roles - ASP.NET MVC 4 Razor

You can use Following code for role based checking

@if(Request.IsAuthenticated){    if(User.IsInRole("Admin"))    {     <Ul Class="SubMenuItem">     <li> this menu item is for Admin role</li>     </Ul>    }     if(User.IsInRole("User"))    {     <Ul Class="SubMenuItem">     <li> this menu item is for User role</li>     </Ul>    }}@* For unknown user *@else{     <Ul Class="SubMenuItem">         <li> this menu item is for Unknown user</li>     </Ul>}

Typically you would want to keep your views as clean as possible with little to no logic.I would suggest moving your role checking logic into a controller action and rendering a partial view based on the users role.

You can use ChildActions and the Html.Action extension method to get this wired up.

From MSDN:

A child action method renders inline HTML markup for part of a view instead of rendering a whole view. Any method that is marked with ChildActionOnlyAttribute can be called only with the Action or RenderAction HTML extension methods.

In your project, create a new Controller called Dashboard and added a single Action called BuildTable.

public class DashboardController : Controller{    [ChildActionOnly]    public ActionResult BuildTable()    {        if (Roles.IsUserInRole("Administrator"))        {            return PartialView("_AdminTable");        }        return PartialView("_SupportTable");    }}

Include the following line in the view where you want the dashboard table to appear.

@Html.Action("BuildTable", "Dashboard")

I have done something similar. The way I did it (may not be the best)

is to send a boolean back to the view

in the controller use:

bool showSection1 = true;bool showSection2 = false;ViewData["showSection1"] = showSection1;ViewData["showSection2"] = showSection2;/// may be better to use a viewmodel here rather than ViewData

then in the view:

@if((bool)ViewData["showSection1"]){    @{Html.RenderPartial("section1");}}@if((bool)ViewData["showSection2")){    @{Html.RenderPartial("Section2");}}

you will need to do the logic to set the boolean the way you want them but this should be a start.

you could also create a static method that returns the role and then get that value directly from the view. this may be bad form though.

@if(AppHelper.GetRole().equals("role1")){    //show the partial}

then create a class called AppHelper and a method called GetRole that returns the role of the user.