How to sort Generic List Asc or Desc? How to sort Generic List Asc or Desc?

How to sort Generic List Asc or Desc?

How about:

estate.Images.OrderByDescending(est => est.IsProfile).ToList()

This will order the Images in descending order by the IsProfile Property and then create a new List from the result.

You can use .OrderByDescending(...) - but note that with the LINQ methods you are creating a new ordered list, not ordering the existing list.

If you have a List<T> and want to re-order the existing list, then you can use Sort() - and you can make it easier by adding a few extension methods:

static void Sort<TSource, TValue>(this List<TSource> source,        Func<TSource, TValue> selector) {    var comparer = Comparer<TValue>.Default;    source.Sort((x,y)=>comparer.Compare(selector(x),selector(y)));}static void SortDescending<TSource, TValue>(this List<TSource> source,        Func<TSource, TValue> selector) {    var comparer = Comparer<TValue>.Default;    source.Sort((x,y)=>comparer.Compare(selector(y),selector(x)));}

Then you can use list.Sort(x=>x.SomeProperty) and list.SortDescending(x=>x.SomeProperty).