How to use generic hub in SignalR How to use generic hub in SignalR

How to use generic hub in SignalR

I've found the answer. The MSDN documentation is not up-to-date as of yet, but the ASP .NET site offers nice SignalR tutorials and one of them covers the typed hubs:

As the example in the article shows, if you use an interface for the type argument, everything works and you get strongly-typed hub clients whose methods are correctly translated to RPCs. Here's a piece of code I tested this with:

public sealed class TestHub  : Hub<ITestClient>{  public override Task OnConnected()  {    this.Clients.Caller.SayHello("Hello from OnConnected!");    return base.OnConnected();  }  public void Hi()  {    // Say hello back to the client when client greets the server.    this.Clients.Caller.SayHello("Well, hello there!");  }}public interface ITestClient{  void SayHello(String greeting);}