how to use Protractor on non angularjs website? how to use Protractor on non angularjs website?

how to use Protractor on non angularjs website?

Another approach is to set browser.ignoreSynchronization = true before browser.get(...). Protractor wouldn't wait for Angular loaded and you could use usual element(...) syntax.

browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;browser.get('http://localhost:8000/login.html');element('username')).sendKeys('Jane');element('password')).sendKeys('1234');element('clickme')).click();

If your test needs to interact with a non-angular page, access the webdriver instance directly with browser.driver.

Example from Protractor docs


waitForAngular should now be used instead of the deprecated ignoreSynchronization property.

The following waitForAngular guidance is taken from the Protractor docs for timeouts:

How to disable waiting for Angular

If you need to navigate to a page which does not use Angular, you can turn off waiting for Angular by setting `browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false). For example:
