HttpModule not running with Visual Studio HttpModule not running with Visual Studio

HttpModule not running with Visual Studio

Cassini, the development web server provided with IIS uses the IIS6 module syntax, so you must duplicate the module add like so

<system.web>  <httpModules>    <add name="MinimizeModule" type="ClipperHouse.UrlMinimizer.MinimizeModule" />  </httpModules></system.web><system.webServer>  <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>  <modules>    <remove name="MinimizeModule" />    <add name="MinimizeModule" type="ClipperHouse.UrlMinimizer.MinimizeModule"          preCondition="managedHandler" />  </modules></system.webServer>

Note that I've also added a precondition to your IIS7 settings

If you are running on IIS 7, put the module in:

<configuration>   <system.webServer>      <modules>         <add name="MinimizeModule" type="ClipperHouse.UrlMinimizer.MinimizeModule" />      </modules>   </system.webServer></configuration>

If you are running on Cassini (Visual Studio's integrated miniature web-server), put the module in:

<configuration>   <system.web>      <httpModules>          <add name="MinimizeModule" type="ClipperHouse.UrlMinimizer.MinimizeModule" />   </system.web></configuration>

IIS will crash if you give it the Cassini location.
Cassini will crash if you give it the IIS location.

Whenever i deploy, i have to be sure not to deploy web.config. i also include the notes in web.config:

<system.web>   <!--The Cassini location to add modules (comment out for IIS)-->   <httpModules>      <!--WARNING: IIS will crash if you leave this in here.          IISBUG: IIS doesn't support system.web/httpModules,           and Cassini doesn't support system.webServer/modules      -->      <!--Comment out for IIS-->      <add name="PerformanceHttpModule" type="DummyPlaceholder.PerformanceHttpModule"/>   </httpModules></system.web><system.webServer>   <!--The IIS7 location to add modules (comment out for Cassini)   <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">      <!--IIS7 will crash if you present a system.web httpModules. -->      <remove name="PerformanceHttpModule" />      <add name="PerformanceHttpModule" type="DummyPlaceholder.PerformanceHttpModule"/>   </modules></system.webServer>

IIS's left hand doesn't know what Cassini's right hand is doing - and they both screwed it up.

Did you try also putting the module declaration in the element? When running in dev using Cassini, that's usually the place I have to put modules to get them running.