IISExpress cannot find ssl page running localhost with Visual Studio 2013 IISExpress cannot find ssl page running localhost with Visual Studio 2013 asp.net asp.net

IISExpress cannot find ssl page running localhost with Visual Studio 2013

Please, for the love of g*d, try this, before you get mired in some unnecessary craziness!

(Apparently IIS Express has reserved port range of 44300 - 44399 for simulating SSL)

Change to port 44300 (https://localhost:44300/)

Got solution from this post. Had to delete all localhost certificates and repair IIS Express. Thanks @ShaTin


Make sure to remove any previous 'localhost' certificates as those could conflict with the one generated by IIS Express. I had this same error (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR), and it took me many hours to finally figure it out after trying out many many "solutions". My mistake was that I had created my own 'localhost' certificate and there were two of them. I had to delete both and have IIS Express recreate it.

Here is how you can check for and remove 'localhost' certificate:

On Start, type -> mmc.exe,File -> Add/Remove Snap-in...,Select Certificates -> Add> -> Computer account -> Local computer,Check under Certificates > Personal > Certificates.Make sure the localhost certificate that exist has a friendly name "IIS Express Development Certificate". If not, delete it. Or if multiple, delete all.On Visual Studio, select project and under property tab, enable SSL=true. Save, Build and Run. IIS Express will generate a new 'localhost' certificate.

Note: If it doesn't work, try these: make sure to disable IIS Express on VS project and stopping all running app on it prior to removing 'localhost' certificate. Also, you can go to 'control panel > programs' and Repair IIS Express.

The steps followed by me to resolve this (I am using vs2015)enter image description here

1)Go to control panel

2)Add Remove Programs

3)Repair IIS Express

4)Restarted my computer

4)Next go to my documents->IIS Express->Config Files

5)Take a copy of them and Remove those files from there

6)Delete all items C:\Temp

7)Check for .vs folder in your sln file and goto config folder in it

8)Take a copy of that as well and remove the files inside it

9)Clean your solution

10)Restart Visual studio

11)Build and run

(I copied clean config files from my colleagues machine - in locations mentioned above
1]In Documents
2] .vs folder
I suppose Just running IISExpress and it will recreate the file for you. The exe is located at: "c:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe".)