jQueryUI Dialog + Firefox + ASP.Net = access to strict mode caller function is censored jQueryUI Dialog + Firefox + ASP.Net = access to strict mode caller function is censored asp.net asp.net

jQueryUI Dialog + Firefox + ASP.Net = access to strict mode caller function is censored

This is kind of an old post, but this issue still occurred to me today.I didn't wanted to use the click of the button, so instead i tried a setTimeout and it also works.

To people having this issue, try this solution:

setTimeout(function() { __doPostBack('DateButton', $('#txtDate').val()); }, 1);

Having recently had to address this issue I found that I could solve the problem and get __doPostBack working in Edge, IE, Chrome & FireFox by adding the following script to the top of my app.

    if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { window.event = {}; }    

Using the SetTimeout function breaks Edge. Just putting in window.event={} broke IE.

While this doesn't actually explain how to fix the problem, this is a working work-around.

I created a hidden field that corresponded to each field in the dialog box. Then I created a button. These had to be kept outside of the dialog box div because the div is moved to outside the form when it is turned in to a dialog box. Then I modified my dialog box creation code to be something like this:

$('#date-dialog').dialog({    autoOpen: false,    modal: true,    resizable: false,    buttons: {        "Submit": function () {            $('#<%=hfDate.ClientID %>').val($('#txtDate').val());            $('#<%=btnFormSubmit.ClientID %>').click();            $(this).dialog("close");        },        "Cancel": function () {            $(this).dialog("close");        }    }});