ListView with DataPager not working ListView with DataPager not working

ListView with DataPager not working

We need to databind list view again in OnPreRender event.

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)        {            ListView1.DataBind();            base.OnPreRender(e);        }


After working on a few list views with ajax, I saw a solution that makes more sense than the above one. You would normally data bind Listview on page load method or a button click event handler and when there is post back the data binding would be lost as described above in the problem. So, we need to data bind again on page properties changed event handler for the list view.

ListView_PagePropertiesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){ListView.DataSource=someDatasource;ListView.DataBind()}

One More Solution, Its Simple, Just Get "ID" in "QUERY-STRING" from the Database, Now Set it to the Pager Control Property as [ QueryStringField="ID" ] like:

<asp:DataPager ID="DataPagerProducts" runat="server" QueryStringField="ID" PageSize="3">                            <Fields>                                <asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowFirstPageButton="True" ShowNextPageButton="False" />                                <asp:NumericPagerField />                                <asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowLastPageButton="True" ShowPreviousPageButton="False" />                            </Fields>                        </asp:DataPager>

Note: if not woking, then set also [ PagedControlID="ListView_Name" ].

Also, if the data source of your ListView is changed (e.g. if displaying data based on search parameters), don't forget to reset the pager every time the data source is updated. With a ListView this is not as straightforward as some other data-bound controls (e.g. GridView):

private void ResetListViewPager(){    DataPager pager = (DataPager)ListViewMembers.FindControl("DataPager1");    if (pager != null)    {        CommandEventArgs commandEventArgs = new CommandEventArgs(DataControlCommands.FirstPageCommandArgument, "");        // MAKE SURE THE INDEX IN THE NEXT LINE CORRESPONDS TO THE CORRECT FIELD IN YOUR PAGER        NextPreviousPagerField nextPreviousPagerField = pager.Fields[0] as NextPreviousPagerField;        if (nextPreviousPagerField != null)        {            nextPreviousPagerField.HandleEvent(commandEventArgs);        }        // THIS COMMENTED-OUT SECTION IS HOW IT WOULD BE DONE IF USING A NUMERIC PAGER RATHER THAN A NEXT/PREVIOUS PAGER        //commandEventArgs = new CommandEventArgs("0", "");        //NumericPagerField numericPagerField = pager.Fields[0] as NumericPagerField;        //if (numericPagerField != null)        //{        //    numericPagerField.HandleEvent(commandEventArgs);        //}    }}