Object doesn't support property or method WebBrowser Control Object doesn't support property or method WebBrowser Control asp.net asp.net

Object doesn't support property or method WebBrowser Control

I know that this problem is from 2012 but there is an answer for it.

At the top of the <head> document where script is added you need to write

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

WinForms WebBrowser control is using Internet Explorer but you need to force the latest version there. For eg. if you are using jQuery 2+ it requires IE 9+ so you need to use at least version 9 or later.

Webbrowser control doesn't suppert jquery v2.

Use the jquery 1.9.1.

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>

The Webbrowser control is a part of the Internet Explorer itself. And Internet Explorer doesnt support the window.addEventListener method. Use window.attachEvent method instead.

So the script in your page will read like

window.attachEvent("load", function () {    // Set a timeout...    setTimeout(function () {        // Hide the address bar!        window.scrollTo(0, 1);    }, 0);});

Hope this would help you!