Open a new tab in an existing browser session using Selenium Open a new tab in an existing browser session using Selenium

Open a new tab in an existing browser session using Selenium

Sending Keys.Control + "t" didn't work for me. I had to do it with javascript and then switch to it.


To handle new tab you should switch to it first. Try following:

driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("body")).SendKeys(Keys.Control + "t");driver.SwitchTo().Window(driver.WindowHandles.Last());driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("")

Also you might need to switch back:


This may not works:

driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("body")).SendKeys(Keys.Control + "t");

Alternative: Find clickable element with target blank (search for "blank" in page's surce code). This will open new tab.

Than switch between tabs (thanks @Andersson) with:
