Parser Error when deploy ASP.NET application Parser Error when deploy ASP.NET application

Parser Error when deploy ASP.NET application

I know i am too late to answer but it could help others and save time.

Following might be other solutions.

Solution 1: See Creating a Virtual Directory for Your Application for detailed instructions on creating a virtual directory for your application.

Solution 2: Your application’s Bin folder is missing or the application’s DLL file is missing. See Copying Your Application Files to a Production Server for detailed instructions.

Solution 3: You may have deployed to the web root folder, but have not changed some of the settings in the Web.config file. See Deploying to web root for detailed instructions.

In my case Solution 2 works, while deploying to server some DLL's from bin directory has not been uploaded to server successfully. I have re-upload all DLL's again and it works!!

Here is the reference link to solve parser error.

I had the same issue. Ran 5 or 6 hours of researches. A simple solution seems to be working. I just had to convert my folder to application from iis. It worked fine. (this was a scenario where I had done a migration from server 2003 to server 2008 R2)

(1) Open IIS and select the website and the appropriate folder that needs to be converted. Right-click and select Convert to Application.

enter image description here

Try changing CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" to CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs"