Proper way to asynchronously send an email in ASP.NET... (am i doing it right?) Proper way to asynchronously send an email in ASP.NET... (am i doing it right?)

Proper way to asynchronously send an email in ASP.NET... (am i doing it right?)

There was a lot of good advice that I upvoted here... such as making sure to remember to use IDisposable (i totally didn't know). I also realized how important it is to manually catch errors when in another thread since there is no context -- I have been working on a theory that I should just let ELMAH handle everything. Also, further exploration made me realize I was forgetting to use IDisposable on mailmessage, too.

In response to Richard, although I see that the threading solution can work (as suggested in my first example) as long as i'm catching the errors... there's still something scary about the fact that IIS completely explodes if that error isn't caught. That tells me that ASP.NET/IIS never meant for you to do that... which is why i'm leaning towards continuing to use .BeginInvoke/delegates instead since that doesn't mess up IIS when something goes wrong and seems to be more popular in ASP.NET.

In response to ASawyer, I was totally surprised that there was a .SendAsync built into the SMTP client. I played with that solution for a while, but it doesn't seem to do the trick for me. Although I can skip through the client of code that does SendAsync, the page still "waits" until the SendCompleted event is done. My goal was to have the user and the page move forward while the email is getting sent in the background. I have a feeling that I might still be doing something wrong... so if someone comes by this they might want to try it themselves.

Here's my full solution for how I sent emails 100% asynchronously in addition with ELMAH.MVC error logging. I decided to go with an expanded version of example 2:

public void SendThat(MailMessage message){    AsyncMethodCaller caller = new AsyncMethodCaller(SendMailInSeperateThread);    AsyncCallback callbackHandler = new AsyncCallback(AsyncCallback);    caller.BeginInvoke(message, callbackHandler, null);}private delegate void AsyncMethodCaller(MailMessage message);private void SendMailInSeperateThread(MailMessage message){    try    {        SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();        client.Timeout = 20000; // 20 second timeout... why more?        client.Send(message);        client.Dispose();        message.Dispose();        // If you have a flag checking to see if an email was sent, set it here        // Pass more parameters in the delegate if you need to...    }    catch (Exception e)    {         // This is very necessary to catch errors since we are in         // a different context & thread         Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(e));    }}private void AsyncCallback(IAsyncResult ar){    try    {        AsyncResult result = (AsyncResult)ar;        AsyncMethodCaller caller = (AsyncMethodCaller)result.AsyncDelegate;        caller.EndInvoke(ar);    }    catch (Exception e)    {        Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(e));        Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(new Exception("Emailer - This hacky asynccallback thing is puking, serves you right.")));    }}

As of .NET 4.5 SmtpClient implements async awaitable method SendMailAsync.As a result, to send email asynchronously is as the following:

public async Task SendEmail(string toEmailAddress, string emailSubject, string emailMessage){    var message = new MailMessage();    message.To.Add(toEmailAddress);    message.Subject = emailSubject;    message.Body = emailMessage;    using (var smtpClient = new SmtpClient())    {        await smtpClient.SendMailAsync(message);    }} 

If you are using .Net's SmtpClient and MailMessage classes, you should take note of a couple things. First, expect errors on the send, so trap and handle them. Second, in .Net 4 there were some changes to these classes, and both now implement IDisposable (MailMessage since 3.5, SmtpClient new in 4.0). Because of this, your creation of the SmtpClient and the MailMessage should be wrapped in using blocks or explicitly disposed. This is a breaking change some people are unaware of.

See this SO question for more info on disposing when using async sends:

What are best practices for using SmtpClient, SendAsync and Dispose under .NET 4.0