Redirect the parent page from IFrame Redirect the parent page from IFrame

Redirect the parent page from IFrame

It will be a hazard if we can manipulate other frames/window withou using client-side scripts or user-invoked actions.

Here's a list of alternatives:

Javascript options:;window.parent.location.href=theLocation;;

Non-javascript options:

<a href="theLocation" target="_top">Click here to continue</a>  <a href="theLocation" target="_parent">Click here to continue</a>

I used this code.

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "Load", "<script type='text/javascript'>window.parent.location.href = '../CentinelError.aspx'; </script>");

And it works.

We can redirect from both server and client side when using Iframe<>

Client side response:


Server side response:

Response.Write("<script type=text/javascript> window.parent.location.href ='' </script>")