Server side XForms form validation and integration into ASP.NET Server side XForms form validation and integration into ASP.NET

Server side XForms form validation and integration into ASP.NET

I'm probably missing something but...

The way I've done this sort of thing in the pass is to create a schema for form declaration & an xslt to convert that xml to html. You can then add all sorts of validation, based on the xml schema you've designed. What I am usually missing is the form designer though.

You can use XHTML for the forms, or like Simon suggested, a custom language as an abstraction layer. The application can load the form at runtime, transform/style it and serve it to the user. You can edit the form and make changes without the need to recompile/redeploy.

For validation you can use Schematron, this can also be easily edited at runtime using XML-aware tools.

You can use Javascript to produce XML data in the browser, or you can transform application/x-www-form-urlencoded to XML on the server (that is what I do on this page).