Setting up redirect in web.config file Setting up redirect in web.config file

Setting up redirect in web.config file

  1. Open web.config in the directory where the old pages reside
  2. Then add code for the old location path and new destination as follows:

    <configuration>  <location path="services.htm">    <system.webServer>      <httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />    </system.webServer>  </location>  <location path="products.htm">    <system.webServer>      <httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />    </system.webServer>  </location></configuration>

You may add as many location paths as necessary.

You probably want to look at something like URL Rewrite to rewrite URLs to more user friendly ones rather than using a simple httpRedirect. You could then make a rule like this:

<system.webServer>  <rewrite>    <rules>      <rule name="Rewrite to Category">        <match url="^Category/([_0-9a-z-]+)/([_0-9a-z-]+)" />        <action type="Rewrite" url="category.aspx?cid={R:2}" />      </rule>    </rules>  </rewrite></system.webServer>

In case that you need to add the http redirect in many sites, you could use it as a c# console program:

   class Program{    static int Main(string[] args)    {        if (args.Length < 3)        {            Console.WriteLine("Please enter an argument: for example insert-redirect ./web.config");            return 1;        }        if (args.Length == 3)        {            if (args[0].ToLower() == "-insert-redirect")            {                var path = args[1];                var value = args[2];                if (InsertRedirect(path, value))                    Console.WriteLine("Redirect added.");                return 0;            }        }        Console.WriteLine("Wrong parameters.");        return 1;    }    static bool InsertRedirect(string path, string value)    {        try        {            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();            doc.Load(path);            // This should find the appSettings node (should be only one):            XmlNode nodeAppSettings = doc.SelectSingleNode("//system.webServer");            var existNode = nodeAppSettings.SelectSingleNode("httpRedirect");            if (existNode != null)                return false;            // Create new <add> node            XmlNode nodeNewKey = doc.CreateElement("httpRedirect");            XmlAttribute attributeEnable = doc.CreateAttribute("enabled");            XmlAttribute attributeDestination = doc.CreateAttribute("destination");            //XmlAttribute attributeResponseStatus = doc.CreateAttribute("httpResponseStatus");            // Assign values to both - the key and the value attributes:            attributeEnable.Value = "true";            attributeDestination.Value = value;            //attributeResponseStatus.Value = "Permanent";            // Add both attributes to the newly created node:            nodeNewKey.Attributes.Append(attributeEnable);            nodeNewKey.Attributes.Append(attributeDestination);            //nodeNewKey.Attributes.Append(attributeResponseStatus);            // Add the node under the             nodeAppSettings.AppendChild(nodeNewKey);            doc.Save(path);            return true;        }        catch (Exception e)        {            Console.WriteLine($"Exception adding redirect: {e.Message}");            return false;        }    }}