Static fields vs Session variables Static fields vs Session variables

Static fields vs Session variables

No, using static variables for this is not the way to go:

  • If your AppDomain is recycled, all your static variables will be "reset"
  • Static variables don't scale horizontally - if you load-balance your application, a user who hits one server then a different one won't see the data store in the static variables in the first server
  • Most importantly, static variables will be shared by all access to that server... it won't be on a per-user basis at all... whereas from your description, you wouldn't want user X to see user Y's information.

Fundamentally, you have two choices for propagating information around your application:

  • Keep it client-side, so each request gives the information from the previous steps. (This can become unwieldy with large amounts of information, but can be useful for simple cases.)
  • Keep it server-side, ideally in some persistent way (such as a database) with the client providing a session identifier.

If you can use load-balancing to keep all users going to the same server, and if you don't mind sessions being lost when the AppDomain is recycled1 or a server going down, you can keep it in memory, keyed by session ID... but be careful.

1 There may be mechanisms in ASP.NET to survive this, propagating session information from one AppDomain to another - I'm not sure

They are two very different things.

  • Session can be used out of process (important for load balancing)
  • Session can be more durable because of its out of process capabilities.
  • ASP.Net automatically manages Session concurrency.
  • Access to static variables needs to be manually synchronized.
  • Static is global to the entire app domain. If you set the value of a static field/property for one user, all users will get the same value. Not the desired behavior in your scenario.

Any kind of data can be stored in Session. It then must be casted however.But static fields accept data with the correct datatype only.

It's often helpful to abstract Session values with a helper class. This can improve testability and also allows you to strongly type properties and perform the cast in the internals of the class.


public List<int> UserRoles{    get    {        // optionally check that the value is indeed in session, otherwise this         // will throw        return (List<int>)Session["UserRoles"];    }}

See also:

You forget one thing (I think)

Static data will be the same for all users of the application, while session is "per user".

So for your "User Role" scenario, I would expect funny results ;)