System.Web.MVC not copied into bin folder since MS14-059. How to protect against creating builds with missing DLLs as a result of Windows Updates? System.Web.MVC not copied into bin folder since MS14-059. How to protect against creating builds with missing DLLs as a result of Windows Updates?

System.Web.MVC not copied into bin folder since MS14-059. How to protect against creating builds with missing DLLs as a result of Windows Updates?

A patch for MVC 5.1 was installed on the BuildServer via Windows Update despite not having MVC 5.1 installed in the GAC

Yes, this behavior is actually by design. See

The patch has put the "updated" version of MVC 5.1 in the GAC

Yes, that's correct; it's how the patch gets the updated code to run instead of the old code. See

CopyLocal=true is ignored when a DLL is in the GAC; therefore since the patch, this means that builds of our app from the BuildServer no longer have System.Web.MVC in the output folder

Not exactly. What actually happens is a project that previously was CopyLocal=true gets switched to CopyLocal=false. CopyLocal can be set in one of two ways: 1) If there's an explicit <Private>True</Private> setting in the .csproj file, or 2) By default, if no such setting exists (GAC'd assemblies do not CopyLocal by default; other assemblies do).

So what appears to have happened in this case is that your project file didn't have this setting in the csproj file. As a result, the GUI showed the setting based on the evaluated default value before the patch (CopyLocal = true) but then after the patch was installed, the GUI will now show the new default value for a GAC'd assembly (CopyLocal = false).

Since System.Web.MVC is not in the GAC on our QA servers (they have not yet been patched), the application now fails, because System.Web.MVC cannot be found

That's correct.

Assuming the behavior described above is correct, this means that any time MS service a NuGet DLL via Windows Update that we do not have in the GAC, our BuildServer will start producing incomplete builds (missing out those DLLs that have been injected into the GAC).

For any .csproj reference without an explicit <Private>True</Private> setting, that is correct. Also, note the using NuGet to update your MVC reference can remove this setting even if it was previously present. See

Upgrading to MVC 5.2 solves this issue (likely because it wasn't patched, and was therefore not injected into the GAC); the DLL is now copied to the output folder. There are no changes in the diff that upgraded to 5.2.2 except for version number changes (there's specifically no node been added/edited).

That's correct. Since MVC 5.2 is not GAC'd, even without an explicit <Private>True</Private> setting, the default value of this non-GAC'd assembly will be CopyLocal=true.

We do not wish to start GACing everything, nor creating manual build steps to copy all of our DLLs into the bin folder just in case MS patches them. So, what can we change today to ensure we don't ever end up with out BuildServer silently producing back bad builds if MS patch other DLLs in the future?

The best you can do today is:

  1. Put explicit <Private>True</Private> settings in your .csproj file for all your NuGet package assembly references.
  2. Until NuGet bug #4344 is fixed, any time you use NuGet to update a package reference, go back into your .csproj file and re-add the explicit <Private>True</Private> setting.

I believe this issue is addressed in the .Net Web development tools and UI blog here: link

I won't repeat the whole thing here, as the issue and resolution is explained pretty well at that link.

However just to repeat the key points, which should explain why this has happened:

  • As part of patch KB2994397 MVC 5.1 was added to the GAC.

  • There appears to be a NuGet bug that resets CopyLocal flag. (see link ) This means that when a machine with the above patch deploys to a non-patched machine it will break!

  • MVC 4 has had its assembly version number incremented by the same security update - MS14-059 (so the GAC version will NOT be used) This explains why the MVC 4 version still works - despite it being in the GAC.

I added a note about this issue in my blog:Microsoft Asp.Net MVC Security Update MS14-059 broke my build!.

Your analysis of the problem is right on the money, by default the Copy Local flag is set to false when the assembly is in the GAC, manually setting it to true should fix this problem.

Upgrading to 5.2.2 is even better, you get the benefits of the new release in addition to the security fix.