The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1' The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'

The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'

I have found a very simple way, just paste this data in the aspnet_SchemaVersions table

common              1   Truehealth monitoring   1   Truemembership          1   Truepersonalization     1   Trueprofile             1   Truerole manager        1   True

I had to use a few spaces to make the data aligned, ignore the blank spaces

If you really haven't forgotten anything (views, SP's, etc. etc. etc.), then googling indicates that 'silly' solutions like closing the project and re-opening, rebuilding, or:

The thing that actually did the trick was going through the ASP.NET Configuration utility (Visual Studio - under Website menu), taking the application offline and then back online. This actually just makes a change to web.config (not exactly sure what the change was). So after taking it offline, I had to upload web.config to the hosted solution. Then took the application back online, recopied web.config, etc.

May be the answer.

I had a similar problem and I was able to solved it adding the default value to table aspnet_SchemaVersions.This default values were not added to the DB generated using Tasks -> Generate Scripts.

Here a useful post

INSERT INTO dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions VALUES('common', 1, 1),('membership', 1, 1),('role manager', 1, 1);GO