The target “ResolveWebJobFiles” does not exist in the project in Azure Website The target “ResolveWebJobFiles” does not exist in the project in Azure Website

The target “ResolveWebJobFiles” does not exist in the project in Azure Website

even i faced this issue. I reinstalled the below package in my webjob to solve it

package id="Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish" version="1.0.2"

Check to see if you have this file in your webjob project Properties folder:webjob-publish-settings.json

If not, create it with this content, changing only the webJobName (for now)

{  "$schema": "",  "webJobName": "MyWebJobName",  "startTime": "2014-12-09T00:00:00-08:00",  "jobRecurrenceFrequency": "Hour",  "interval": 1,  "runMode": "Scheduled",  "stopping_wait_time": 3600}

One primary reason could be missing "webjob-publish-settings.json" file in Properties.

Please double check this file exists and included in your project.