Use Hub methods from controller? Use Hub methods from controller?

Use Hub methods from controller?

It might work to create a "helper" class that implements your business rules and is called by both your Hub and your Controller:

public class MyHub : Hub{    public void DoSomething()    {        var helper = new HubHelper(this);        helper.DoStuff("hub stuff");    }}public class MyController : Controller{    public ActionResult Something()    {        var hub = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MyHub>();        var helper = new HubHelper(hub);        helper.DoStuff("controller stuff");    }}public class HubHelper{    private IHubConnectionContext hub;    public HubHelper(IHubConnectionContext hub)    {        this.hub = hub;    }    public DoStuff(string param)    {        //business rules ...        hub.Clients.All.clientSideMethod(param);    }}

As I did not find a "good solution" I am using @michael.rp's solution with some improvements:

I did create the following base class:

public abstract class Hub<T> : Hub where T : Hub{    private static IHubContext hubContext;    /// <summary>Gets the hub context.</summary>    /// <value>The hub context.</value>    public static IHubContext HubContext    {        get        {            if (hubContext == null)                hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<T>();            return hubContext;        }    }}

And then in the actual Hub (e.g. public class AdminHub : Hub<AdminHub>) I have (static) methods like the following:

/// <summary>Tells the clients that some item has changed.</summary>public async Task ItemHasChangedFromClient(){    await ItemHasChangedAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);}/// <summary>Tells the clients that some item has changed.</summary>public static async Task ItemHasChangedAsync(){    // my custom logic    await HubContext.Clients.All.itemHasChanged();}