Using ASPNet_Regiis to encrypt custom configuration section - can you do it? Using ASPNet_Regiis to encrypt custom configuration section - can you do it?

Using ASPNet_Regiis to encrypt custom configuration section - can you do it?

aspnet_regiis must be able to bind the assembly. The normal .net binding rules apply.

I get around this by creating directory called aspnet_regiis_bin in the same directory as aspnet_regiis.exe and an aspnet_regiis.exe.config file with aspnet_regiis_bin as a private path like this:

<configuration>   <runtime>      <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">         <probing privatePath="aspnet_regiis_bin"/>      </assemblyBinding>   </runtime></configuration>

I then copy the assemblies that define the custom configuration sections into aspnet_regiis_bin so that aspnet_regiis can find them.

This procedure doesn't require the assemblies to be strong named or in the GAC but does require messing around in the framework directories.

I am using a workaround whereby I temporarly comment out the contents of the configSections element:

<configSection>    <!--    <section name="CustomSection" type="" />    --></configSection>

You can then run the encryption using aspnet_regiis -pef as usual. After this has run just uncomment the section and your site is ready to run.

This is a total hack, but I'm not sure that there's another way to do it without strongly naming the assembly that defines your custom section and GACifying it (although you mentioned that didn't work, either, and I'm not sure why it wouldn't). Since aspnet_regiis runs in the < drive >:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\< version > folder (in WinXP), you can copy the DLL that defines your config section into the relevant Framework\< version > folder, and then it should work.