Using JQuery UI datepicker inside UpdatePanel [duplicate] Using JQuery UI datepicker inside UpdatePanel [duplicate]

Using JQuery UI datepicker inside UpdatePanel [duplicate]

Then you put your controls into the panels, they can change they unique ID.try this for your code:

var dates = $("#<%= txtDatePicker.ClientID %>").datepicker( 

or move your code to the

$(document).ready(function() {  // Handler for .ready() called.});

Also there is a space into your selector:

var dates = $(" #txtDatePicker").datepicker(

instead of:

var dates = $("#txtDatePicker").datepicker(

Then using the UpdatePanel and AJAX toolkit, you should use initializers during

function pageLoad(){ // MS AJAX - UpdatePanel initialize  InitializeDatePicker();}

for the controls in the UpdatePanel, and during

$(document).ready(function() { // jQuery  AssignFrameHeight();});

for jquery controls outside the UpdatePanel.