Visual Studio IIS Express hangs on launch, but IIS local works, why? Visual Studio IIS Express hangs on launch, but IIS local works, why?

Visual Studio IIS Express hangs on launch, but IIS local works, why?

Exit Visual studio and delete the (project).vs folder. Restart Visual studio. It should start working.

You could try to change the port which IIS Express is using by doing the following:

  1. Right click you web project and click in properties

  2. In the web menu, change the project url and specify a custom port, ie: 56000

enter image description here

  1. Save your changes and see if that works!

You can make sure that no other processes are using the port you chose by running the following command:

netstat -na | find "your port number"


netstat -na | find "56000"

If the port is free, nothing will be outputted to the console.

Sometimes Visual Studio just takes many minutes to load all the required symbols when debugging. Check the status bar of Visual Studio:

enter image description here

Once for some reason IIS Express worked if I changed the browser targeted in Visual Studio to Google Chrome. Simply restarting Visual Studio fixed this for me though.

enter image description here