What does <%# "whatever" %> mean in ASP.NET? [duplicate] What does <%# "whatever" %> mean in ASP.NET? [duplicate] asp.net asp.net

What does <%# "whatever" %> mean in ASP.NET? [duplicate]

<%# ... %>

Data-binding expressions are an important set of code delimiters, which are used to create a binding between a server control property and a data source.

More about it here:

ASP.NET Code Delimiters

Its used in conjunction with Databind.Eval as in <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Price") %>

Here is an MSDN page onthe matter

That's how you do "BINDING" you may want to do a google search on asp.net data bindingalso to if you are using something like system.web.htmlcontrols this is how you could also get at document variables by name when using javascript.