Why am I getting 404 when the route matches? ASP.Net MVC Why am I getting 404 when the route matches? ASP.Net MVC asp.net asp.net

Why am I getting 404 when the route matches? ASP.Net MVC

Make sure your controller class is called DecisionPointController and not DecisionPoint

If your AreaRegistration class and Controller class are not in the same namespace, you'll be in this situation - the route will match (and RouteDebugger will confirm this) but you'll get a 404 at the "correct" url.

The solution is to make sure both clases are in the same namespace.

This can happen due to your Controller being in another project which references a different version of System.Web.Mvc!

I had the same symptoms - the correct route was found, but got a 404! On HttpHandler.ProcessRequest, an exception was thrown saying the handler's controller does not implement IController.