Access Azure blob storage from R notebook Access Azure blob storage from R notebook azure azure

Access Azure blob storage from R notebook

The AzureStor package provides an R interface to Azure storage, including files, blobs and ADLSgen2.

endp <- storage_endpoint("", key="access_key")cont <- storage_container(endp, "mycontainer")storage_download(cont, "myblob.csv", "local_filename.csv")

Note that this will download to a file in local storage. From there, you can ingest into Spark using standard Sparklyr methods.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of AzureStor.

If you do not want to download it, create a tempfile and then read from it

   endp <- storage_endpoint("", key="access_key")   cont <- storage_container(endp, "mycontainer")   fname <- tempfile()   storage_download(cont, "myblob.csv", fname)   df = read.csv(fname)