Adding Azure Subscription as a Parameter of Task Group in VSTS Adding Azure Subscription as a Parameter of Task Group in VSTS azure azure

Adding Azure Subscription as a Parameter of Task Group in VSTS

You can use variable in Azure Subscription, but the value should be the actual value of related endpoint.

  1. Create a new release/build definition with debug enabled (set/add system.debug variable to true) and add Azure PowerShell task to get the actual value.
  2. Start/Queue release/build, then check the log, you can find the log like this: ##[debug]INPUT_CONNECTEDSERVICENAMEARM: '{actual value}’
  3. Edit task group, specify variable in Azure Subscription input box (e.g. $(sub)) >Save
  4. Edit your release definition, add the variable(s) (e.g. mySub) with that actual value (step 1)
  5. Tasks > Select related Task group > Specify variable (e.g. $(mySub)) in sub (per to step 3) input box.

On the other hand, you can choose azure subscription for related task group directly (step 3, then edit tasks for an environment > Choose Azure Subscription directly)

While there are examples out there that suggest you can use a variable for the service connection name, there is also some documentation out there that suggests that variables for service connections are not supported (, for example).

I've run up against this in my own pipelines and solved it using template expressions:

    ${{ if eq(parameters.environmentType, 'dev') }}:      azureResourceManagerConnection: Azure Dev    ${{ if eq(parameters.environmentType, 'test') }}:      azureResourceManagerConnection: Azure Test    ${{ if eq(parameters.environmentType, 'prod') }}:      azureResourceManagerConnection: Azure Prod