Adding python modules to AzureML workspace Adding python modules to AzureML workspace azure azure

Adding python modules to AzureML workspace

For anyone who came across this question like I did in hopes of installing modules in AzureML notebooks; it seems the current environments sit on Conda on the compute so it's now as simple as executing

!conda env list

# conda environments:#base                  *  /anacondaazureml_py36             /anaconda/envs/azureml_py36

!conda -n azureml_py36 -y <packages>

from within the notebook environment or doing pretty much the same without the ! in the terminal environment

For installing python module on Azure ML Studio, there is a section Technical Notes of the offical document Execute Python Script which introduces it.

The general steps as below.

  1. Create a Python project via virtualenv and active it.
  2. Install all packages you want via pip on the virtual Python environment, and then
  3. Package all files and directorys under the path Lib\site-packages of your project as a zip file.
  4. Upload the zip package into your Azure ML WorkSpace as a dataSet.
  5. Follow the offical document to import Python Module for your Execute Python Script.

For more details, you can refer to the other similar SO thread Updating pandas to version 0.19 in Azure ML Studio, it even introduced how to update the version of Python packages installed by Azure.

Hope it helps.

I struggled with the same issue: error 0085

I was able to resolve it by using Azure ML code example available from their library: Deployment of AzureML Web Services from Python Notebooks

can be found at

I won't copy the whole code here, but I used it exactly as is and it worked with Boston dataset. Then I used it with my dataset, and I no longer got error 0085. I haven't tracked down the error yet but it's most likely due to some misbehaving character or indent. Hope this helps.