aks reporting "Insufficient pods" aks reporting "Insufficient pods" azure azure

aks reporting "Insufficient pods"

What is your max-pods set to? This is a normal error when you've reached the limit of pods per node.

You can check your current maximum number of pods per node with:

$ kubectl get nodes -o yaml | grep pods  pods: "30"  pods: "30"

And your current with:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep Running | wc -l  18

I hit this because I exceed the max pods, I found out how much I could handle by doing:

$ kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r .items[].status.allocatable.pods | paste -sd+ - | bc

Check to make sure you are not hitting core limits for your subscription.

az vm list-usage --location "<location>" -o table

If you are you can request more quota, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-supportability/resource-manager-core-quotas-request