An error occurred while creating the WebJob schedule An error occurred while creating the WebJob schedule azure azure

An error occurred while creating the WebJob schedule

For me this happened when I switched from deploying to one Azure account to another account.In Visual Studio, open/expand the Server Explorer side-window, right click on Azure, select "Connect to Microsoft Azure Subscription...". You'll be asked to logout and login with new credentials.enter image description here

If you get this error when publishing from PowerShell, it probably means you are not logged into to your azure subscription or logged into the wrong subscription. If the browser is not prompting for your credentials, it's probably using the wrong subscription. If does not ask for login, clear the cookies and try again.

I had this problem when trying to publish my webjob to a deployment slot.

The webjob got published, but the website was not found when trying to hook up the schedule.

I was able to go around this by doing 1 manual publish through the portal, and setting the schedule there.After that i could just publish from VS, and the schedule would remain untouched.