Azure B2C Custom Policy Authorize endpoint giving 404 Azure B2C Custom Policy Authorize endpoint giving 404 azure azure

Azure B2C Custom Policy Authorize endpoint giving 404

Your Case

I wanted to change Authorize & METADATA endpoint from to


In your case you need to configure custom URI for your application. To do that please have a look on the following steps

Step to follow

When you set up an identity provider for sign-up and sign-in in your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) B2C application, you need to specify a redirect URL.

In the past, was used, now you should be using

For Example

Following settings that might need to change when using

  1. Set the redirect URLs in your identity provider applications to use
  2. Set your Azure AD B2C application to use for user flow references and token endpoints.
  3. If you are using MSAL, you need to set the ValidateAuthority property to false.
  4. Make sure that you change any Allowed Origins that you have defined in the CORS settings for user-interface customization.

Go to user policy of your b2c app. See the screen shot below:

enter image description here

Click on page layout like below:

enter image description here

Run your custom flow. Take a look below

enter image description here


You can use both the tenant name and the tenant GUID as follows:

  1. (which still refers to
  2. (in which case there is no reference to Microsoft at all)


You cannot use a custom domain for your Azure Active Directory B2C tenant, e.g. would not work.

If you feel any problem during implementation you could refer official document here

For your more queries you can also refer here

Hoping this will help to figure out the way around. Thank you.