Azure Container Instances disk space pricing Azure Container Instances disk space pricing azure azure

Azure Container Instances disk space pricing

When an Azure Container Instance is launched it has an amount of disk space available to the container. You have no control over this and are not explicitly charged for it.

Having just ran this command

az container create --image node:8.9.3-alpine -g "Test1" \  -n test1 --command-line 'df -h'

The response shows...

Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted onoverlay                  48.4G      2.8G     45.6G   6% /tmpfs                   958.9M         0    958.9M   0% /devtmpfs                   958.9M         0    958.9M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup/dev/sda1                48.4G      2.8G     45.6G   6% /dev/termination-logtmpfs                   958.9M      4.0K    958.9M   0% /var/aci_metadata/dev/sda1                48.4G      2.8G     45.6G   6% /etc/resolv.conf/dev/sda1                48.4G      2.8G     45.6G   6% /etc/hostname/dev/sda1                48.4G      2.8G     45.6G   6% /etc/hostsshm                      64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /dev/shmtmpfs                   958.9M         0    958.9M   0% /proc/kcoretmpfs                   958.9M         0    958.9M   0% /proc/timer_listtmpfs                   958.9M         0    958.9M   0% /proc/timer_statstmpfs                   958.9M         0    958.9M   0% /proc/sched_debug

So you should have 48gb of disk space to play with.

(I tried to test this with a Win Image, but got hit by a bug trying to get the information out)