Azure Custom Controller / API .Net backend Azure Custom Controller / API .Net backend azure azure

Azure Custom Controller / API .Net backend

Yes !!!

So I finally got it working, I copied the usings from lidydonna - msft git and read about .net backend for mobileservice.

This ended with the following:

using System.Web.Http;using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Config;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Web.Http.Tracing;using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server;namespace BCMobileAppService.Controllers{[MobileAppController]public class TestController : ApiController{    // GET api/Test    [HttpGet, Route("api/Test/completeAll")]    public string Get()    {        MobileAppSettingsDictionary settings = this.Configuration.GetMobileAppSettingsProvider().GetMobileAppSettings();        ITraceWriter traceWriter = this.Configuration.Services.GetTraceWriter();            string host = settings.HostName ?? "localhost";            string greeting = "Hello from " + host;            traceWriter.Info(greeting);            return greeting;        }        // POST api/values        [HttpPost, Route("api/Test/completeAll")]        public string Post(string hej)        {            string retVal = "Hello World!" + hej;            return retVal;        }    }}

This is a new controller and not the one that comes with it as lidydonna used. It seemed like it wants both functions get and post. This resulted in the API was registered and could be accessed. This means the client call to the server I used was:

t = await App.MobileService.InvokeApiAsync<string, string>("Test/completeAll", null, HttpMethod.Post, new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "hej", " AWESOME !" }});dialog = new MessageDialog(t);dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("OK"));await dialog.ShowAsync();


Extra Information

The controllers that you create, i.e. the class needs to end with Controller, you can have text before but not after. This information was given on a MSDN forum discussion.

If the post and the get has the same input the server returns Not found. Having different inputs solves the issue.

In case of weird Internal Server Error, i.e. weird you can step through the entire server code all variables that you want to return are initialized, but the client receives the error. Then refer to Internal Server Error - Azure App Service Custom Controller where simple fix to the configuration can solve the issue.

You must have something wrong in your project configuration. I have a working sample here:

After creating the HttpConfiguration object, call config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(). I added the route attribute [Route("api/Test/completeAll")] and I can confirm that the route is registered correctly.

Try adding this attribute to the ValuesController and check the route.

I found another cause for the 404 errors when it came to use attribute routing.

The code above originally had this in mobileApp.cs:

HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();    new MobileAppConfiguration()        .UseDefaultConfiguration().MapApiControllers()        .ApplyTo(config);    config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes();    app.UseWebApi(config);

The config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes() needs to be moved above the .ApplyTo:

HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration(); config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(); new MobileAppConfiguration()        .UseDefaultConfiguration().MapApiControllers()        .ApplyTo(config);