Azure Devops 203 Non-Authoritative Information with REST API Azure Devops 203 Non-Authoritative Information with REST API azure azure

Azure Devops 203 Non-Authoritative Information with REST API

The 203 error code normally caused by an incorrect PAT format. Looks like you are probably failing authentication because the PAT did not be encoded with base64 correctly.

Ensure the TYPE is Basic Auth, and input the correct PAT format into Password:

enter image description here

Authorization of Postman.

Yes, we are passing the PAT wrongly.

Just another way of doing it, COPY the PAT encode that to base64 manually from a site like -

Note - make sure you add ":" as a prefix on PAT and then encode that.

Copy the encoded value to header on Authorization as mentioned -

enter image description here

Hope this will help a few, the only catch was to make sure we add the ":" on the mentioned position.