Azure DocumentDB Owner resource does not exist Azure DocumentDB Owner resource does not exist azure azure

Azure DocumentDB Owner resource does not exist

Owner resource does not exist

occurs when you have given a wrong database name.

For example, while reading a document with client.readDocument(..), where the client is DocumentClient instance, the database name given in docLink is wrong.

This error for sure appears to be related to reading a database/collection/document which does not exist. I got the same exact error for a database that did exist but I input the name as lower case, this error appears to happen regardless of your partition key.

The best solution I could come up with for now is to wrap the

var response = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(database, collection, "documentid"));

call in a try catch, not very elegant and I would much rather the response comes back with some more details but this is Microsoft for ya.

Something like the below should do the trick.

                Model myDoc = null;                try                {                    var response = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(database, collection, document));                    myDoc = (Model )(dynamic)response.Resource;                }                catch { }                if (myDoc != null)                {                   //do your work here                }

That is to get a better idea of the error then create the missing resource so you dont get the error anymore.

A few resources I had to go through before coming to this conclusion:

Azure DocumentDB Read Document Resource Not Found

I had the same problem. I found that Visual Studio 2017 is publishing using my Release configuration instead of the Test configuration I've selected. In my case the Release configuration had a different CosmosDB database name that doesn't exist, which resulted in the "owner resource does not exist" error when I published to my Azure test server. Super frustrating and a terrible error message.