Azure Event Hubs limits and its comparison to pure Kafka cluster Azure Event Hubs limits and its comparison to pure Kafka cluster azure azure

Azure Event Hubs limits and its comparison to pure Kafka cluster

Azure Event Hubs offers Kafka/EH for data streaming in two different umbrellas - Single Tenancy and Multi-tenancy. While multi-tenancy gives you the flexibility to reserve small and use small capacity, it is enforces with Quotas and Limits. These are stringent and cannot be flexed out. Reason, analogically you can imagine multi-tenancy to be a huge kafka cluster of which %CPU and %memory is shared with strict boundaries among different tenants. With this infrastructure to honor multi-tenancy we define boundaries and these boundaries are enforced by quotas and limits. Event Hubs is the only PaaS service that charges you for reserving your bandwidth and the ingress of events. There is no egress charge. We also let you ingress xMBps and egress 2xMBps and the quotas lets us with this boundary. Our single tenant clusters can be thought of as mimicking the exact KAfka cluster where there are no quotas attached. The limits here that we enforce are the actual physical limits. The limits of 1000 topics per namespace and 50 namespace per Capacity units are soft limits which can be relaxed as they are just enforcing the best practices. The cost justification when you compare Standard and Dedicated is not any different and in fact when you do > 50MBps, you can an advantage as the whole capacity is dedicated to one tenant with Dedicated. Also a single Capacity Unit (in which the Dedicated clusters are sold) lets you achieve anywhere between 100MBps - 250MBps based on your send/recieve pattern, payload size, frequency and more. For comparison purpose, although we do not do 0TUs on Standard and there is no direct relation/mapping between dedicate CUs and Standard

TU's, below is a pricing example, 50TU's = $0.03/hr x 50 = $1.5 per hour | 50,000 events per second = 180,000,000 events per hour180,000,000 / 1,000,000 = 180 units of 1,000,000 messages | 180 X $0.028 = $5.04 | So, a grand total of $6.54 per hour

Note that the above does not include Capture pricing. And for a grand total of $6.85 per hour you get Dedicated with Capture included.

Was looking into the limitation, it seems that the dedicated tier has 1000 event hubs per namespace. Although there will be some additional cost due to the dedicated tier.