azure pipeline multiline script azure pipeline multiline script azure azure

azure pipeline multiline script

I get the desired output. This is how my pipeline looks like:

trigger:- masterpool:  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'steps:- script: |    echo "good"    echo "nice"


enter image description here

Answer to the question in the comments:

This is how I pass multiple parameters to the ARM deployment task:

steps:  - task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3    displayName: "MyDeployment"    inputs:      deploymentScope: "Resource Group"      ConnectedServiceName: ${{ parameters.serviceConnection }}      action: "Create Or Update Resource Group"      resourceGroupName: "$(resourceGroupName)"      location: "$(location)"      templateLocation: "Linked artifact"      csmFile: "$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop/azuredeploy.json"      overrideParameters: "        -eventGridTopicName myEventGridName        -appServicePlanName myAppServicePlan"      deploymentMode: "Incremental"