Azure SQL Database Bacpac Local Restore Azure SQL Database Bacpac Local Restore azure azure

Azure SQL Database Bacpac Local Restore

This can be done simply through SQL Server Management Studio 2012

  1. Right click on the Connection > Databases node and select "Import Data-tier application..."
  2. Select "Next" on the introduction step.
  3. enter image description here
  4. Browse, or connect to a storage account where backups are kept.

I needed to export a SQL Azure database and then import it into a local SQL 2008 R2 server (Note I am also using Visual Studio 2010). Microsoft certainly went out of their way to make this a painful task, however, I was able to do it by doing the following:

  1. Goto this link and install the SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2010

  2. This will install on your local drive. In my case here is where it put it: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\bin

  3. Browse to this via the command line or powershell

  4. You are going to want to execute the SqlPackage.exe

  5. Open up this link to see a list of all the parameter options for SqlPackage.exe (

  6. Here is my command line that I needed to execute to import a .bacpac file into my local SQL 2008 R2 server:

    .\SqlPackage.exe /a:Import /sf:C:\mydatabasefile.bacpac /tdn:NorthWind /tsn:BINGBONG

/tdn is the name of the database you want your bacpac file to restore to./tsn is the name of your SQL server.

You can see all these parameter descriptions on the link from #5.