Azure storage table returns exception 400 Bad Request [duplicate] Azure storage table returns exception 400 Bad Request [duplicate] azure azure

Azure storage table returns exception 400 Bad Request [duplicate]

The problem is coming because of the value of TXNDATE attribute. If you look at the picture you shared, the value you're sending is 1/1/01 (i.e. DateTime.MinValue) whereas the minimum value allowed is 1/1/1601.

Once you pass proper value for TXNDATE, you should not see this error.

I believe that there might be a default/parameter-less constructor missing from your class inheriting the TableEntity. The parameter-less constructor is very much needed to deserialize the object when recieved from the TableStorage.

Do refer to this answer.

The possible corrected code:

public class TableStorage: TableEntity{    public string CLIENTID { get; set; }    public string REPCODE { get; set; }    public int ENTRYNO { get; set; }    public string DEVICEID { get; set; }    public double LAT { get; set; }    public double LNG { get; set; }    public DateTime DATE_TIME { get; set; }    public string PCODE { get; set; }    public string PNAME { get; set; }    public DateTime TXNDATE { get; set; }    public TableStorage(){}//Added default constructor    public TableStorage(BindData objData)    {        PartitionKey = objData.CLIENTID;        RowKey = ToAzureKeyString(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());        Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;        CLIENTID = objData.CLIENTID;        REPCODE = objData.REPCODE;        ENTRYNO = objData.ENTRYNO;        DEVICEID = objData.DEVICEID;        LAT = objData.LAT;        LNG = objData.LNG;        DATE_TIME = objData.DATE_TIME;        PCODE = objData.PCODE;        PNAME = objData.PNAME;        TXNDATE = objData.TXNDATE;    }    public string ToAzureKeyString(string str)    {        var sb = new StringBuilder();        foreach (var c in str            .Where(c => c != '/'                        && c != '\\'                        && c != '#'                        && c != '/'                        && c != '?'                        && !char.IsControl(c)))            sb.Append(c);        return sb.ToString();    }}