Azure table storage error: "Unexpected response code for operation : 99" Azure table storage error: "Unexpected response code for operation : 99" azure azure

Azure table storage error: "Unexpected response code for operation : 99"

This un-descriptive error means that Azure bulk operations (at least in this case) takes up to 100 elements. Limit your batch and you'll be good.

I ended up using something like this:

public void Insert(IEnumerable<T> entities){    foreach (var chunk in entities.Chunk(100))    {        InsertMaxLimitElements(chunk);    }}private void InsertMaxLimitElements(IEnumerable<T> chunk){    var insert = new TableBatchOperation();    foreach (var entity in chunk)    {        insert.Insert(entity);    }    cloudTable.ExecuteBatch(insert);}

The Chunk extension method was copied from this answer:

public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Chunk<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int chunksize){    while (source.Any())    {        yield return source.Take(chunksize);        source = source.Skip(chunksize);    }}

If the batch size is < 100, it could also mean that you have duplicate entries (two entries with the same rowkey). This is very likely if it succeeds when you write the entries individually but fails writing in batch.