Azure WebJob timeout configuration settings Azure WebJob timeout configuration settings azure azure

Azure WebJob timeout configuration settings

You need to set SCM_COMMAND_IDLE_TIMEOUT from the portal to your desired timeout value in seconds. For example, set it to 3600 for a one hour timeout.

Go to your website's config section, find the app settings section, and add the setting.

  1. Login to Microsoft Azure portal

  2. Go to App Services,

  3. Select your website

  4. Go to settings --> Application settings tab

  5. Create a key “WEBJOBS_IDLE_TIMEOUT” under App settings section

  6. Save

As this is the first stack overflow error that comes up when searching for the timeout problem i want to update it from my perspective;

If expecting a CONTINUOUS webjob, this isn't something that happens by default (Even though the webjob appears to run by the rules until timeout). This is something that has to be selected in the Visual Studio Publish properties as detailed here:

Once continuous is selected and the webjob is published, this error goes away