Azure websites ftp upload fails on some files but not others Azure websites ftp upload fails on some files but not others azure azure

Azure websites ftp upload fails on some files but not others

This sounds like a time-out issue on the server. You will need to tell your FTP client to keep the connection alive so that it doesn't start a second connection while the first connection is still trying to upload the files.

To set this in FileZilla client, go to Edit, Settings, Connection, FTP, and check "Send FTP keep-alive commands" checkbox.

For more detailed explanation of the problem, visit: Scroll towards the bottom and read the "Points to consider from Azure SLB perspective" section.

I had the same problem with my FTP on Azure and checking the "Send FTP keep-alive commands" checkbox above solved my problem.

Hope this helps!

I was having the same issue with Azure + FileZilla. I solved the problem by connecting to the FTP host name and not the FTPS host name.

I ran into a similar issue, but with a slightly different error message:

Response:   150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.Response:   550 The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified. Error:  File transfer failed

I solved the problem by using CuteFTP instead of FileZilla.