Azure windows VM shows full black screen in RDP [closed] Azure windows VM shows full black screen in RDP [closed] azure azure

Azure windows VM shows full black screen in RDP [closed]

This is known to be an issue over screen resolutions or slow internet connections / client connectivity problems.

I'd suggest first to try to see if this is a problem with resolution on your client. Try the following:

  1. Click on the black RDP windows (to select it) and press CTRL-ALT-END to bring up the Windows Security screen and select LOG OFF, then log back in (If you're using a RDP client like e.g. remote desktop manager, click the Send Ctrl-alt-delete so the keys are actually sent to the session).
  2. Start a new rdp client on your desktop but before you click connect, click the show options link, click the display tab and set the DISPLAY CONFIGURATION to a low resolution like 640×480

When connection you can also try to disable Bitmap caching (click the experience tab and disable bitmap caching before connecting).

This is a known problem, check Microsoft knowledge base

If this doesn't work, I would investigate further too see if there's any network issues / firewall issues dropping your RDP packages.

I had this exact same issue. I started Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+END as explained in one of the other answers) and then started explorer.exe from File>Run new task to get the desktop.

Apparently explorer.exe had not started automatically when I first logged on, hence the blank screen.

I fixed this by remoting using a computer that had remote allowed. My current computer had Windows Home Edition, but I had a VM on virtual box with Windows Pro. So I remoted using that VM.