AzureWebJobsDashboard Configuration Error AzureWebJobsDashboard Configuration Error azure azure

AzureWebJobsDashboard Configuration Error

You need to set the AzureWebJobsDashboard connection string in the portal in your Web App Application Settings blade (steps to do that here). The Dashboard runs as a separate site extension and doesn't have access to app.config. Add the connection string to the connection strings section on the settings blade.

You can add your other connection strings there as well (e.g. AzureWebJobsStorage) rather than storing in app.config if you wish for security/consistency, however the WebJob can read AzureWebJobsStorage from app.config.

The change needs to be done in App Services settings in Azure Portal

For that

  1. Open the Azure (Management) Portal at
  2. Goto Home > App Services
  3. Select the App service that is hosting your WebJob
  4. Goto Settings > Choose Application settings
  5. Scroll down to Connection strings
  6. Add a new connection string with Name as 'AzureWebJobsDashboard' and Value as . Choose Type as 'Custom'
  7. Press Save Button ( at the Page Top)

All done! Check your Webjobs Dashboard - the Warning and Error message at top should be gone now.

I was having this problem too.

My storageaccount kind is StorageV2 (general purpose V2)

I had both AzureWebJobsDashboard and AzureWebJobsStorage correctly set in the App Service Configuration.

But, the storage account had a Minimum TLS version set to 1.2

I found that changing this to 1.0 was needed for the WebJobs Dashboard to display correctly and for the WebJobs to run ok.