Cannot connect to MongoDB in Azure Cannot connect to MongoDB in Azure azure azure

Cannot connect to MongoDB in Azure

Characters like @ are restricted as they mess up the structure of the URL. The reason for this is because MongoDB interprets it as the @ separator. Instead of this:

var mongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;mongoClient.connect("mongodb://", function (err, db) {  db.close();});

use this

mongoClient.connect("mongodb://", {   uri_decode_auth: true }, function (err, db) {  db.close();});

To encode the password, use encodeURIComponent(password)

You can also use this syntax.

mongoClient.connect("mongodb://",  {user: 'username', pass: 'p@ssword'}, function (err, db) {  db.close();});

On later versions, use

auth: {       user: 'username',       password: 'p@ssword',    }

as below

mongoClient.connect("mongodb://", {  auth: {   user: 'username',   password: 'p@ssword',  }}, function (err, db) {  db.close();});

The accepted answer dont work for me on mongodb > 3.0.x

This code work for me :

const mongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;let database = null;new mongoClient('mongodb://', {    auth: {       user: 'username',       password: 'p@ssword',    }}).connect(    (err, db) => {      if (err) return console.error(err);      console.log('Database connected');      database = db.db('foo'); });

MongoDB can now use a password with special characters. To do this, add an option to the connection { useNewUrlParser: true }:

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;const assert = require('assert');const uri = 'mongodb://mydbname:pa$s;';MongoClient.connect(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true }, (err, db) => {    assert.strictEqual(null, err);    // ...    db.close();});