Cannot delete an instance of module in Terraform which contains a provider Cannot delete an instance of module in Terraform which contains a provider azure azure

Cannot delete an instance of module in Terraform which contains a provider

I think the only solution is a two-step solution, but I think it's still clean enough.What I would do is have two files per database (name them how you want).

Put everything except your postgres resources in

resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "postgresserver" {  name                = "${var.db_name}-server"  location            = "${var.location}"  resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group}"  sku = ["${var.vmSize}"]  storage_profile = ["${}"]  administrator_login = "psqladminun"  administrator_login_password = "${random_string.db-password.result}"  version = "${var.postgres_version}"  ssl_enforcement = "Disabled"}provider "postgresql" {  version         = "0.1.0"  host            = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.fqdn}"  port            = 5432  database        = "postgres"  username        = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.administrator_login}@${}".   password        = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.administrator_login_password}" }resource "azurerm_postgresql_database" "db" {  name                = "${var.db_name}"  resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group}"  server_name         = "${}"  charset             = "UTF8"  collation           = "English_United States.1252"}

Put your PostgreSQL resources in

resource "postgresql_role" "role" {    name             = "${random_string.user.result}"    login            = true    connection_limit = 100    password         = "${random_string.pass.result}"    create_role      = true    create_database     = true    depends_on = ["azurerm_postgresql_database.db"]


When you want to get rid of your database, first delete the file and apply. Next, delete and apply again.

The first step will destroy all postgres resources and free you up to run the second step, which will remove the postgres provider for that database.