Can't connect to Azure DB from Azure website Can't connect to Azure DB from Azure website azure azure

Can't connect to Azure DB from Azure website

Adding the DB as a linked resource for the WebSite will fix the problem w/out having to muck about with firewall settings.

  1. Go to your website in
  2. Go to the LINKED RESOURCES tab.
  3. Press the LINK button on the bottom of the page
  4. Select your DB from the modal dialog

This is a bug in Azure. Newer IP ranges aren't included in their boiler plate "Azure Services" configuration, or something like that.

Been happening for a long time (at least ~3 years), unfortunately.

Happens with Web Roles, Worker Roles, and VMs as well - NOT specific to Web Sites. We regularly hit this with our Web and Worker Roles in US East but never saw it once in US North.

Our work-around is to add the range: Probably not the most secure work-around but fortunately, this has so far only hit our Dev environments and not any of our Production environments.