Changing ssh keys on a Ubuntu Azure VM from the Dashboard Changing ssh keys on a Ubuntu Azure VM from the Dashboard azure azure

Changing ssh keys on a Ubuntu Azure VM from the Dashboard

Actually, there is.

  • first you must start your VM
  • open the window for the VM from the Azure Portal
  • scroll down to reset password
  • select reset SSH public key for the Mode
  • select the proper user
  • paste the new public key in the SSH public key field
  • press the UPDATE button on top.

enter image description here

Just tested and worked fine for me.

It depends on whether your VM is deployed using the Classic or Resource Manager deployment model.

Here is a snippet from How to reset a Linux VM password or SSH key

You can also use the Azure portal to reset the password or SSH key of a Linux VM deployed in the classic deployment model. You can't currently use the portal do to this for a Linux VM deployed in the Resource Manager deployment model.

If you are using Resource Manager, then you can do this only via CLI or PS. Refer this link: Reset the SSH key